Juvenile Defense Attorneys in Georgia
We are both parents. So, we understand the stress and sense of urgency associated with protecting your child from bad decisions. Sometimes even good kids make mistakes or exercise poor judgment. So our goal in representing any child in juvenile court is to make sure your child’s rights are fully protected and that those immature decisions don’t leave any lasting impact on your child’s future. In many instances we are able to resolve a child’s juvenile court case by dismissal or without any formal findings of wrongdoing.
Understanding the Law of Juvenile Defense
The juvenile courts in Georgia typically have jurisdiction over children who have not yet turned seventeen and commit a “delinquent act” which would otherwise constitute a criminal offense if the child were seventeen or older. For more serious criminal charges, or in the case of repeat offenders, children may be prosecuted in superior court like an adult. Juvenile court judges can impose punishment including supervision and commitment to a juvenile detention center, but there is often more opportunity for focus on rehabilitation in the juvenile courts. We work with the juvenile courts and judges to help children get on the right track in life without the necessity of incarceration.
We have defended children charged with a very wide variety of delinquent acts, including possession of marijuana, possession of prescription drugs, rape, child molestation, sexual assault, incest, sexual exploitation, gang-related activities, theft, shoplifting, burglary, kidnapping, hijacking, criminal trespass, criminal damage to property, terroristic threats, and numerous offenses associated with private and public schools.
We strongly believe that the juvenile court process provides an opportunity for children to correct unacceptable behavior and learn to use better judgment in all aspects of their lives. We want to help children learn from their mistakes, make better choices, gain a sense of self-worth, and feel encouraged and empowered to become successful in life.
School Disciplinary Proceedings
If the delinquent act at issue occurs in a school setting or on school property, your child will likely be subjected to the “double whammy” of disciplinary action taken by the school in addition to the complaint filed in juvenile court. We are experienced and familiar with the disciplinary hearing process or tribunal. Before the school may levy the most serious penalties upon your child, such as expulsion, you have the right to contest the allegations of any violation of the student code of conduct. These hearings often present the opportunity to confront the evidence against your child, cross-examine witnesses, and present an explanation or defense to the charges. Keep in mind that the school will be represented by a seasoned lawyer at these hearings.
Of course, if your child has already reached the age of seventeen, then he or she may be facing misdemeanor or felony criminal charges in addition to any school disciplinary action. In these instances, it is absolutely crucial to have experienced counsel involved at the earliest opportunity.
Types of Juvenile Defense Cases We Serve
Juvenile Misdemeanor & Felony
Drug Possession & Underage Drinking
Theft, Shoplifting, Vandalism
Assault and Battery
School Disciplinary Proceedings